Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let's Talk

I usually host one Live Channeling event each month, but this week brings two extra events. Last night I hosted a channeling called “Year 2011: What’s Next?” It was fascinating (and a little overwhelming) to take a look at the energy for the year now that we are halfway through.

Tomorrow night I will be hosting an unusual event. I’ll be on the phone for an hour or so to talk about the Akashic Records. There will be no channeling -- just me as a regular person talking to you about what it's like to work as a channeler. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and I’m really excited to speak with some of you and answer your questions about my work, the Akashic Records, and any other spiritual topics you’d like to explore.

You will be able to ask me questions about the work I do with the Akashic Records, and about the Records themselves. You can also ask about how the Monthly, Weekly, and Daily messages work, or about other channelings on my website. We will have a group conversation about how the Akashic Records fit into the New Age movement and how you can work with them in your everyday life.

I’m excited for the chance to speak with you, person-to-person -- something that doesn’t really happen when I am channeling.

If you can’t make it tomorrow night, feel free to send your questions via email. If tomorrow’s phone call goes well, I will likely host another chat in the coming months, so be sure to watch for that, too!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Two Babies

This week a new baby was confirmed in the Seattle area where I live. Why is this news? This particular baby is a member of one of the local pods of orcas.

There are several pods of orcas that are yearlong residents of the waters near Seattle. I am always excited when I get a chance to see these beautiful whales off the beach near my house. I will be watching for the little one, but I acknowledge that it’s rare to catch a glimpse of orcas, let alone to spot a baby. Still, I have my hopes up. 

Here’s a picture, offered by Orca Network. This is an organization I love and support, and I highly recommend their newsletter that gives weekly updates on whales of all kinds of the coast of North America!

Also exciting? My second niece was born yesterday and, though she lives far away from me, I’m guessing I’ll catch a glimpse of her long before I spot that orca!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blood and Guts

When I was a child, I was fascinated by the fact that our human bodies are roughly 70% water. When I first learned this, I walked around for a few days feeling like I could float. I felt like my blood was part of the ocean. I touched the water in the drinking fountain and wondered if I could flow with it down the drain. 
(This amazing photo care of
As an adult, I am fascinated by the idea that our bodies are made mostly of open space. There is such vast distance between atomic particles that the atoms that make all the objects in our world are less physical than spatial. From the perspective of quantum physics, our bodies are really just patterns of energy with the barest bit of matter being held in place. It freaks me out a little to really try to comprehend this, but I like the sense of possibility it gives me when I do.

Then today I came across something that freaks me out even more. Take a look at this story on NPR.

Yup, that’s right. According to this story on NPR, the average person carries ten times more bacterial cells than human cells in their body. TEN TIMES MORE.

I’ve known for a long time that there are microbes occupying our bodies and helping everything work well. But I never considered that their combined number is more than my own cells. It’s one thing to know that I’m a walking, talking ball of mostly empty space with some water thrown in. It’s an entirely other thing to consider that most of the body I think I occupy is actually occupied by other life forms.

But then I thought about it for a while and realized this is just another reminder that we are so NOT alone. Even our bodies are ecosystems. It’s probably more accurate to say that my body is not “mine,” it’s “ours.” Just like the planet we live on and the communities we are a part of – they are “ours.” And thinking of it that way is the only way we’ll heal them.

Just as I did when I was a kid, I love the feeling that my body is bigger and more complex than it appears.  I love feeling like I'm part of something bigger.

Now if only I could stop getting the creepy crawlies when I think about all the other creatures living on my skin!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Notice a Theme?

Every month, I host a Live Channeling through my website. These events take place by conference call so people can call in from anywhere, and they always feature a topic that I get from the Akashic Records. I do a channeling in my own, personal Akashic Records every couple of months to find out what topics would be most beneficial for everyone, and then I plan events to bring you those topics.

Last week I posted the new Channeling Events for the remainder of 2011. Here’s what we’ve got coming up:

June 15 – “Adam and Eve: The Final Chapter in Gender Duality

July 13 – “Light in the Darkness: How to Hold Hope When Others Falter

August 10 – “The Search is Over: Find Emotional Fulfillment Now

September 21 – “Year 2012: The Year of the Wheel

November 9 – “Bliss: Find Infinity Within the Boundaries of Your Life

December 7 – “Time and Space: Understand the Power of Third Dimensional Reality” 

Do you notice a theme? I don’t think I would see it on first glance, but luckily I get to cheat by seeing how they all fit together when I look at them in the Records. The theme is, as we are preparing for 2012, that we must work with what we have rather than try to transcend it or clear it away.

Look at the titles -- finding emotional fulfillment now, achieving bliss by managing boundaries, and using time and space instead of being limited by them – all of these ideas are based on accepting the constraints of our lives instead of resisting them. When we do that, we can work with them rather than being in constant denial or struggle. And this puts us in a powerful position to make changes.

I think this might be the key to what’s to come after 2012. If we are creating Heaven on Earth, then that means we are working with what’s here on Earth. There is no more time for denying our circumstances, or for waiting to transcend them.

Maybe the theme of 2012 should be No More Waiting. No more waiting for the second coming, no more waiting for the apocalypse – nope, it’s just us here and now. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

I’m excited to hear what will come from the Akashic Records in the next few months because I’m hoping we’ll all get more information about the joy of embracing our lives and making the very best of them!

(PS – If you’re wondering why there is not a topic for October – it's because I didn’t get a one from the Records. There was a sense that something important is happening that month that is not yet foreseeable. I think the topic will come when we get closer, which just makes me incredibly curious about what it will be. Stay tuned – I will post this on my website calendar as soon as I have it!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sacred Objects

I recently attended an event for which the speaker was running late. The audience had gathered by the time she arrived, and we sat awkwardly as she took an additional twenty minutes to carefully set up a beautiful altar. The altar was lovely, but I wondered if the good vibes it created were enough to make up for the tension in the room as we waited. Sometimes putting on a spiritual event is like a theater production.

Have you noticed how many props are available for spiritual activities? Crystals, candles, and incense abound. There are sacred tapestries and carved statues of deities -- feathers, claws, teeth and leather. We even use gold, frankincense and myrrh! I love the way these things remind us that objects can be infused with sacred energy. 

Yet sometimes, like when I sat through that alter set-up, I wonder if we might be overdoing it just a bit. If we're not careful, we can spend a lot of money in those beautiful New Age bookshops buying props for our spiritual practice.  It's easy to fall into thinking that one particular object will either make or break our spiritual practice.

The Akashic Records tell us that all objects hold energy, and any object can be sacred. My favorite example of this, given often in channelings, is a child’s toy or blanket. Imagine the love, tenderness, and possibility infused in that object through hours of play and snuggling.  I think some of the most powerful objects we can use in our practice are the ones that emerge from the love in our everyday lives.  A treasured toy, jewelry from a beloved grandmother, or a stone we pick up on a beautiful day -- these are deeply sacred.

This ability of objects to hold energy also extends to those things we reject. I’ve had a broken bookshelf in my bedroom for two months now, and every time I see it I feel just a little bad about it. That means I feel just a little bad every night as I go to bed and every morning when I wake up. By now I have infused that poor bookshelf with hundreds of tiny, unhappy thoughts.

Spring is a great time to examine the energy we infuse into the objects around us, and make adjustments so that our physical surroundings support harmony. Fill your space with love, and get rid of the things that make you feel bad. That’s the reason I’m off to fix that bookshelf!