Thursday, April 7, 2011

Haywire Week

It’s one of those weeks. Things have gone haywire. Something breaks, then I’m late for the next thing, then I start to fumble around and soon everything seems to fall apart. My wonderful scheduler, Robin, and I were discussing why all the details seem to be falling apart this week and we agreed that the week has gone haywire. The things that should connect just aren’t connecting.

I have a head cold, and my recording device has broken, and I’ve accidentally double-booked two consultations. Some people say Mercury retrograde is to blame. I think that an astrological retrograde cycle can only affect us in places where we are already out of balance.

And for me, that imbalance now is in my favorite part of my job -- Personal Consultations. I usually offer about ten consultations per week. I’ve learned time and again that when I do more than this, my life starts to unravel.

Why is that? Is it that I become too ungrounded? Or just get tired from talking so much? I think it’s a bit of both, but that it’s also a function of spending too much time in the altered state required for channeling. It’s a great state to be in – when I’ve accessed the Akashic Records I can feel that all is well and there is grace in everything. But being there for too long leads me to feel not quite like myself. 


I’ve learned that there are wonderful things about being human that rest upon just being human. Part of what makes everyday life magical is that we are limited by how much we can perceive. If I were channeling all the time I would probably have fewer worries and challenges, but I also wouldn’t have my life anymore. My life is rich and wonderful in part because of the things I struggle with. Our challenges and the journey to meet them are what make us human.

When I spend all my time channeling the Akashic Records, I lose my sense of my everyday self.  This week has gone haywire because I let go of the boundaries that have served me so well. Because I felt guilty for having people wait several weeks to have an appointment with me, I allowed a few more appointments into the week. And now my life is unraveling.

I think other Lightworkers must experience this, too. What happens to you when you let your boundaries loosen to much? What are the limits for you in doing channeling work while still staying grounded in your everyday life?