Thursday, September 13, 2012

Autumn Chill

It’s that bittersweet time of year when the air turns cooler and I bring out the first sign of autumn – my trusty space heater. This little puppy is in my office nearly ten months of the year because Seattle is almost always just a little chilly. I go through the ritual of packing it away in July and August just to help myself really believe that it’s really summer. 

I switched from a forced air heater to a radiant heat unit when I realized that I have to take better care of my voice. Talking all day, most days, has actually caused my voice to become lower and creakier than it used to be. I thought about taking voice lessons to help me manage it better, but for now I just avoid forced air and drink a lot of water and special tea.

And I sometimes warm up my voice before a long day of channeling. Only instead of singing something like “La, la, la,” I typically sing something from a Broadway musical or a happy pop song instead.  OK, maybe I do that not so much to warm up my voice but to wake myself up in the morning, but it serves both purposes.

This is one of the strange aspects of my work that I never would have guessed -- that being a channeler means special tea and potential voice lessons.

I would love to hear from other Lightworkers – healers, teachers, and others. Have you found unexpected physical consequences from doing your work? What have you found to help keep you healthy and strong?