But it’s not nuclear radiation that caused my illness -- far from it. It was Girl Scout cookies.
The Channeling this week tells us that our bodies will be exposed to more radiation in coming years, and it is up to us to protect ourselves. The Akashic Records often tell us we need to take responsibility for our lives by acting based on what we know is best for us.
Looking back I think I realize there was a message for me in my illness. The Sunday before the week started I was tired. I was thirsty. And I was too lazy and distracted to to get a glass of water. Instead of taking care of what my body needed, I reached for the nearest thing -- a Samoa cookie from my Girl Scouts cookie stash. Then I ate another one. Then another. By bedtime I had eaten an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies, all by myself.
When I awoke Monday morning, I had a fever and a headache. And it just went downhill from there.
It’s not really the cookies’ fault. And I don't think I was being punished. It was the natural consequence of my choice to ignore what my body needed that got me here. Let's be clear -- cookies, especially Girl Scout cookies, are not bad. They just helped me make bad choices!
I don’t know if my body has always responded so quickly to mistreatment. It could be that I am just noticing it now, or it could be that my body tolerates less abuse as I age. But perhaps the message from the Akashic Records is finally hitting home. Perhaps it is becoming so important for us to really pay attention and take good care of ourselves, that now one night of cookies really can lead to a week of pain.
In any case, I love the reminder in the Channeling that “the physicality of our bodies is sacred, and taking physical action to heal and protect them is a sacred act.” (This is in the member’s archive.)
I am newly committed to listening to what my body needs and responding intelligently rather than compulsively. The difference between healthy pleasure and compulsive behavior is outlined in this month’s Audio Download, "Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll: The Place of Pleasure in Enlightenment." It’s amazing to realize how much our bodies can help us become further enlightened if we pay attention. Or how much our body can get in the way, as mine did last week.
So I’m off to a healthier, happier week. And I will admit this might include one or two Girl Scout cookies!
(PS – if you’re reading this in the future and wish you could find the Channeling on Nuclear Radiation, become a member of my website and you’ll find it in the Archives under Health and Healing.)