Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's the End of the World As We Know It

I know, I know – that title is being way overused these days as we have been coming up to the end of the Mayan Calendar. But I’m using it and I am not going to apologize, because this is the perfect interpretation of what the Akashic Records have to say about December 21, 2012.

It’s not the end of the world. It is the end of the world as we have known it to be for thousands of years. It is time for a new way of living and working together, and I really don’t think this is news to anybody at this point in time.

You have probably read a lot about the spiritual meaning of this date. I certainly have, even though I try to avoid that kind of thing.

But I figured it might be nice to get an update from the Records on what’s happening now that December 21 is upon us. You can find that channeling here.

When I did this channeling today, I was most impressed by the way the Keepers really talked about current events. This is something they rarely do. I guess this is part of the benefit of doing a last minute channeling. Most of what is going to happen has happened, so we are no longer waiting for the potentials. We can actually discuss what is occurring now.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Superstorm Sandy

I never really know quite what to say when something tragic happens. Something like Superstorm Sandy, which hit the U.S. east coast this week, is so big that words just don’t really hit the mark.

My heart goes out to everyone who is suffering physically and emotionally this week from the storm. Even though there isn’t much I can do to soothe your suffering, I can provide a bit of information that came through the Akashic Records this week.

During three separate individual consultations this week, people asked about this storm and what they are meant to learn from it. Some of the answers to these questions are relevant to everyone, and with permission from those individuals, I will share some of what I channeled so we can all benefit.

Here are the highlights that I think might be relevant to at least a few of us:

1. The potential for this storm was set at the beginning of hurricane season. It was meant to be an especially brutal season, and because the need for large storms did not arise in other places earlier in the season, all that potential built up for Sandy.

2. It was always planned that Washington DC and New York City would experience natural events to shake things up around the time of 2012. Last year’s earthquake in this region was part of the same spiritual system as Sandy, and there is likely to be one more catastrophe in about two years for this region. How big it will be is yet to be determined.

3. This storm is not a punishment, it is a wake up call for everyone in the U.S. to recognize your connection to one another and develop more humility for your place in the larger picture of Planet Earth. You are smaller than you want to be, because being small feels vulnerable. But recognizing that vulnerability will allow you to move with the flow of nature rather than to resist it.

4. Once the physical potential for Sandy developed several weeks ago, it was set to hit the coast later in November. The development and approach of the storm were increased in order to hit before the U.S. elections. This is part of the wake up call. It is important that you vote from a place of humility and a recognition that you all need to work together to heal the world. You must engage in voting and helping, rather than in complaining or waiting for your leaders to fix things. This message is meant for every U.S. citizen at this time, regardless of where you live.

Part of that last message reminds me of the channeling I did when President Obama was first elected four years ago. I will post that channeling for the public this week and next week, and otherwise it can be found in my website archives which you can access with membership.

I am grateful for the individual clients who gave me permission to share some parts of their Personal Consultation channelings here. I always find it interesting when people ask about general topics in their individual readings, but I rarely get a chance to share it!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Art of Asking Questions

I’ve been thinking about how much I appreciate the people who call in for my Live Channeling events and who submit questions for online topic channelings.  I appreciate your interest and the energy. And I really, really appreciate your questions. Without questions, I couldn’t really give you much from the Akashic Records.

Yup, that’s right. Your questions are the only way that information can effectively be drawn from the Akashic Records. The Records are so big, there is no way I can see them all at once. Even the Records of something very small and specific, like a spider, are far more vast than my mind can comprehend. I can only comprehend one answer at a time, and even then the information is overwhelmingly vast.

Questions are necessary. They are the keys that unlock the information. And without all of you, those questions would never be asked!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Autumn Chill

It’s that bittersweet time of year when the air turns cooler and I bring out the first sign of autumn – my trusty space heater. This little puppy is in my office nearly ten months of the year because Seattle is almost always just a little chilly. I go through the ritual of packing it away in July and August just to help myself really believe that it’s really summer. 

I switched from a forced air heater to a radiant heat unit when I realized that I have to take better care of my voice. Talking all day, most days, has actually caused my voice to become lower and creakier than it used to be. I thought about taking voice lessons to help me manage it better, but for now I just avoid forced air and drink a lot of water and special tea.

And I sometimes warm up my voice before a long day of channeling. Only instead of singing something like “La, la, la,” I typically sing something from a Broadway musical or a happy pop song instead.  OK, maybe I do that not so much to warm up my voice but to wake myself up in the morning, but it serves both purposes.

This is one of the strange aspects of my work that I never would have guessed -- that being a channeler means special tea and potential voice lessons.

I would love to hear from other Lightworkers – healers, teachers, and others. Have you found unexpected physical consequences from doing your work? What have you found to help keep you healthy and strong?

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 11

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m about to break the rules. I’m going to share a channeling that is usually reserved only for members of my website, because I just realized something that stopped me in my tracks.

Every year when I channel the Daily Message for September 11, I always pay a little more attention because it is such an important day in our history as a country and across the world. Two weeks ago when I channeled ahead for this day, here is what I got: 

“September 11, 2012: There is a sense that everything changes today, like a revolving door. Be prepared to try something new.” 

So, why am I telling you this? Why is this message for September 11 so special? Because it isn’t special at all. I am sharing this message because it is so unbelievably mundane that it reveals something remarkable. 

I looked back to last year’s September 11 Message and here’s what it said: 

“September 11, 2011: The collective energy of this day for 2001 still resonates. It is time this year to roll up your sleeves and move forward. This day on the calendar is ending its contract to hold collective trauma. Do your part to step into an empowered stance by taking positive action in your life, rather than dwelling on your regrets. You have healed what you can by sitting still. It is time to heal by acting with integrity, compassion, and empowerment.” 

Did you catch that? This day on the calendar is ending its contract to hold collective trauma. In other words, starting last year there is no longer karma held by this day in regard to those heartbreaking events in 2001. This means that whatever feelings we still carry from that terrible day are being carried by us as individuals and BY CHOICE. If we are still resentful, fearful, or otherwise traumatized, it’s up to us to heal it. The time-space continuum held a vibration for this for ten years. I think it probably did so to hold that collective trauma for us so we could deal with it one step at a time instead of all at once. But now, according to the Records, that collective space in time is done with holding trauma. 

Does this mean we are to forget those events? I don’t think so. Do we have an excuse to feel traumatized and resentful every September 11 from here forward? According to the Records, not anymore. 

As usual, our healing is in our own hands and what we choose to do with our heartbreak is up to us. 

And that, my friends, is the thing that inspired me to break the rules today. I just had to tell you because, at least for me, this information is liberating. I can stop feeling a little guilty and sad every time this day rolls around and finally let it be just another day. Do I still cry sometimes when I think about September 11, 2001? Yes. Will I ever forget? No. I became a different person on that day and I am still working to transform my fear into love. I’m just going to do it throughout the year when my heart calls me to it instead of when it appears on the calendar. 

What about you?  How do you approach September 11 each year? 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Disembodied Voice No Longer

Most of my work involves talking, and most of the talking I do for my job is recorded. Lots and lots of people have listened to audio channelings on my website or received personal consultations from me over the past ten years, and after all that talking I forget that most you have never seen me in action. Unless you've had the chance to meet me in person, I've been a disembodied voice. But that's about to change. You can now find me on video!

This week, Steve Crow at Soul Adventure TV interviewed me about the Akashic Records. We spoke via Skype and he used fancy technology to make that interview into a video that anyone can watch. I had a wonderful time speaking with him once I got over feeling incredibly awkward about speaking to the little green dot above my laptop screen.

(I mean, really, wouldn't you feel a little weird looking at this as you converse with someone?)

Luckily, I got over it thanks to Steve and his great questions. As you know, I love to talk about my work in the hope I can make the Akashic Records more accessible for everyone.

So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the video at:

On second thought, don't sit back too much because it turns out I spoke almost as fast on this video as I do in my channelings. Hang onto your hat!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Times They are 'a Changin'

Dear Lightworkers,

I have spent more time in the past month consoling friends and loved ones than I ever have before in my life. It seems like everyone is being flung out of their comfort zones by the Universe all at once. And this time around it is including my dearest, sweetest friends.

Are any of you experiencing this? Are the things you thought you could count on suddenly becoming very shaky?

When big change comes along, it often feels like we need to figure it out all at once. But it never really works that way.

Who decides to leave their marriage in one moment or one day or even one week? Who finds their perfect home immediately after realizing they want to move? Hardly anyone. We might have moments of sudden realization, but those really big changes? They take time. And few of us are good at feeling like we can have all the time we need.

The Records have told a us a few times that Enlightenment comes in stages, and there are times when we collectively hit one stage at the same time.  So, just in case it’s not a coincidence and some of you are going through some big, scary changes, too -- I just want to say to you, as I’ve been saying to my dearest friends:

You Have Time. Life Is Long. Sure, there might be consequences if you delay, but you won’t be able to think clearly until you calm down. And you can calm down a lot more easily if you decide to take the time you need. Don’t wait for someone to give you that time. Don’t try to take care of everybody else when you have lost your own center. Take that time and use it to feel your feelings, think your thoughts, and feel a little more like yourself again. Then decide what to do about those big changes afoot.

Much love to those of you in the midst of change, and those of you who are feeling just fine,


Friday, August 24, 2012

That Awkward Feeling

It’s been awhile since you’ve seen me here and I’m feeling that awkward sense that I’ve been so quiet that now if I finally speak, I must say something profound and wonderful. And, of course, no one can say something profound and wonderful under that kind of pressure. Someone just needs to say something so we can all get over the awkward moment, reunite, and get on with it. 

 (cartoon courtesy of

If you’ve been following, you’ll know I dropped off the blog last winter when I had surgery. During recovery from surgery, I felt physically terrible. Then as I healed and felt better physically, I began to feel terrible emotionally for being so late on the blog. Then my guilt-driven procrastination cycle began and all was lost. 


Procrastination.  It is not fun at all.  I'm not the worst at this, but it does sneak in there and grab me sometimes -- and this year the blog took the hit. 

I’ve started a new blog post nearly every month since January, and this is the one I will finally post. No matter what. I think the collective input of sunlight and summer flowers has finally overcome the shower of guilt I had poured on myself all those winter months and I’m capable of conquering the cycle – maybe not forever, but at least for now.

So, I’m back. And I can’t wait to tell you all kinds of things about what’s happening at Akashic Transformations and some new insights I’ve had recently about working with the Akashic Records. Come back soon.  I promise I'll really return this time!