Friday, August 24, 2012

That Awkward Feeling

It’s been awhile since you’ve seen me here and I’m feeling that awkward sense that I’ve been so quiet that now if I finally speak, I must say something profound and wonderful. And, of course, no one can say something profound and wonderful under that kind of pressure. Someone just needs to say something so we can all get over the awkward moment, reunite, and get on with it. 

 (cartoon courtesy of

If you’ve been following, you’ll know I dropped off the blog last winter when I had surgery. During recovery from surgery, I felt physically terrible. Then as I healed and felt better physically, I began to feel terrible emotionally for being so late on the blog. Then my guilt-driven procrastination cycle began and all was lost. 


Procrastination.  It is not fun at all.  I'm not the worst at this, but it does sneak in there and grab me sometimes -- and this year the blog took the hit. 

I’ve started a new blog post nearly every month since January, and this is the one I will finally post. No matter what. I think the collective input of sunlight and summer flowers has finally overcome the shower of guilt I had poured on myself all those winter months and I’m capable of conquering the cycle – maybe not forever, but at least for now.

So, I’m back. And I can’t wait to tell you all kinds of things about what’s happening at Akashic Transformations and some new insights I’ve had recently about working with the Akashic Records. Come back soon.  I promise I'll really return this time!


  1. Oh Jen, there is nothing to feel guilty about. We're all travelling a road that's perfect for each of us and your path was just about stepping back from here for awhile. It's been an intense year of redefining and regrouping for everyone. Glad you're back and feeling inspired.

  2. What a good surprise. Thank you for being back

  3. Welcome back! Glad you're feeling better.
